Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May should go easy on May

May in Paris always turns out to be a beautiful month with the sun rising early in the morning and a nice weather that allows you to throw away your coats and heavy outerwear –well, maybe not throwing it away for real, just keep it on the back of your closet- but unfortunately since ever I came to Paris May turns out to be a specially difficult month. For starters, I usually pick the wrong timing to use dresses, shorts and the alike and I somehow end up having some kind of unfortunate incident, but well that’s nothing compared to a literally sleepless month when–I’m not exaggerating at all- sleeping 3 daily hours makes you feel guilty about wasting your precious time on such a pointless thing to do when you could be working instead. May is the month when we fashion students present our final projects, I know fashion sounds like an easy thing to do, but believe me arriving to school the day of the exam is like experiencing the zombie apocalypses. I have to acknowledge that, in my case, my tendency to over-think about every single detail makes whatever task million times more difficult but just in general I’d be glued to my computer, sketchbook, pattern making tools pretty much 24/7. Just as an example, this morning,  I woke up with an sketchbook under my pillow –no wonder my neck is  hurting so much-  and it’s not because I’m messy, it’s just that my bed became a table to place my stuff this past week, imagine me, sleeping on the bed for the first time in a week… sounds lovely. May it’s just awful, no sleep, no decent meals, just work, work, work and more work, sometimes I’d even wish my exam would simply include a piece of paper with questions like explain in 4000 words the legal implication of… or idk… solve an impossible equation… at least in that case I could come up with an answer right on the spot but it’s not like I’m shameless enough to appear –as I’ve seen some cases of lazy/’chill’ people who mainly do nothing all year round- in front of the school jury with an unfinished outfit claiming that they lost the sleeve of a raglan design on their way there *unbelievable, I know* and a lame portfolio that includes some handmade sketches colored 5 minutes before the interview. In any case I chose to be a fashion designer and I have to deal with it, but May also happens to be the month when my mom celebrates her birthday, -and yeah, there’s Mother’s Day at it-, I know many of you would find it childish and hard to believe but every time my mom’s b-day comes I become an emotional mess… why? Well, living far from her it’s like the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life and it’d take me a week telling you the story of my family’s history so everybody could understand why exactly but to be general she’s the greatest woman ever, I know us children always believe our mothers are just brilliant but my mom is so good that my male best friend would go to his mom and tell her ‘Mom, you aint that great’ haha –don’t ever do that to your moms though-. My dear mother is not only a great friend, but also the most wonderful woman on Earth, my Asian friends have nicknamed her the ‘wonder-woman’ and without being biased I can’t come out with a better name, she’s just that, unbelievable.
Everybody has let me down at least once, father, sister, relatives, friends, boyfriends, but mom is the only one who’s never –even now- left me alone, I’m just so thankful, I can’t describe it with words. I’m always telling it to her but as I finally finished my school formation I hardly doubt there’s a better moment to thank her again and tell her how much I miss her and how much I wished I could be with her and remind her I could never take a step without acknowledging how much she has given up on my behalf so I’ll try to be better, even harder, now.
I know not everybody is as blessed as I am and you guys would fight with your mothers, have these tantrum moments when you blame your mum for every single thing that has gone wrong with your life, find her worries completely absurd, complain about the food she cooks, ignore her calls and choose spending time with your friends instead of her or just do something she dislikes. I know those are usual things to do as you grow older and become independent, we can’t be all ‘love and peace’ we’re humans, but I want to remind you that growing older it’s also about growing wiser and above all never taking things for granted. I don’t want to ‘brag about myself’ but I can say I’ve been a relatively good daughter and I’ve been always close to my mother so now being far from her it’s simply so awful and painful that whenever I see kids mistreating their moms on the street or my friends calling their moms ‘crazy witches’ I seriously want to punch them on the face. 
Be grateful for your moms and all the things they do, even if you don’t understand them or their behavior is just beyond annoying, love them and respect them. Even if you’re not close and can’t share everything with them or do things together, consider them as a house where you can always return to and find all those things you’re lacking somewhere else and no one else will ever be able to give you. They’re all precious so treasure their love and don’t wait for the day you’re apart to appreciate all those things they do for you. 

Ok, I’m done with my emotional posts, I’ve been so overwhelmed with work and I’m just so happy about finishing school that I needed to be emotionally messy… if that even makes sense xD haha. In another note, it’s almost summer, Paris is unusually perfect for me and I’m seeking a job–an internship at least- life is always complicated but worrying it’s not an option so I’m being all ‘love and peace’ how are you? Hope life is treating you nicely.

From Paris,

Monday, April 21, 2014


Recently, while attending to a concert in Paris I met a nice girl who happened to be there alone -so I was! /hey people do not judge me, it's not easy to have friends in my circle who like k-pop or a k-pop fan friend who doesn't dress like if she was cosplaying a Korean idol group/- so we both started to talk exchanging funny remarks about how we were such normal fans compared to most of the people in there, naturally then we began to make the canon-type of questions one usually ask when meeting someone for the first time, like 'How old are you' 'Where are you from' and alike. So once I told my new 'friend' that I was 21 and moved to France few years ago without speaking French and all by myself, she looked at me with her dark eyes wide open, the mouth slightly open and  then snapped at me "Tu es très courageuse, non?!". I've heard that phrase at least a hundred times by now but in the past I never really thought that moving somewhere by myself would show how brave I am, in fact for me that's been just the start /I've dealt with much more than that/ but, blame it to the excitement of seeing my favorite group once again, the sentimentalism of my recent nature or even the pain I was feeling from seeing so many people gathered there /dressed in such a lame way/ but I felt so proud of me and my -achievements?- that during the next two hours of concert I couldn't help but thinking about how far decisions and effort can take us. To be honest I haven't really achieved anything exceptional but I've had so many obstacles in my way that coming to this point -where I'm about to graduate from a fashion school in Paris- feels like if I had done much more than what I really did.

Everyone has a different way of living and consequently different problems to face, sometimes I'm just so absorbed in my problems and I can't help but feeling jealous of people who achieve a lot without much effort involved /I live surrounded by such cases/ but then, seeing such empty existences I'm happy I have something to look forward to /the typical, a better tomorrow/ and happy I've managed to overcome all my limitations and experience such hardships.  I like to remind myself how lucky I am just to be alive and have a place to live because sometimes my problems seem sooo big when I compared them to my son-of-a-senator- friend's or my heiress-of-a-law-firm classmate's but when I see them from another perspective at least I'm doing what I like and my family is averagely healthy -have you seen people struggling because their parents/siblings/children are battling against cancer or alike?- and that is enough for me. Of course I can achieve much more /I want to achieve much more/ because I've always been ambitious and I'm determined to realize my dreams but also I want to live everyday, thankful for the things I have. A family, a house, tree meals per day /if not even more/ clothes, a car, a computer, we all take those things for granted because they're all just 'there' but have you ever stop to think about those who have to struggle without them? We all could live happier lives if we stopped everyday for at least a second to appreciate what we have instead on focusing non stop on what we're lacking.
Sorry my entry is kinda out of topic but I just wanted to share with you an awesome song I like these days and somehow I ended up -like I always do- talking about something else!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is my current jam:
Enrique Iglesias - Bailando ft. Descemer Bueno, Gente De Zona

Hope you all are happy today!

Ps: Should I teach some Spanish lines next time?
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